Do you know how a bill becomes a law? I'm not sure either, but last Tuesday I had a chance to see how things are done up close when I spent the day on Capitol Hill participating in the National Bar Association's annual Day on the Hill. It was a productive and interesting day, although it was also a little hectic and disorganized. We met with several congressmen and congresswomen to discuss the legislative agenda of the National Bar Association. A few observations - Did you know most of the meat and vegetables served in the Capitol Hill cafeteria are organic and they recycle all of their trash - even the republicans do it. Talk about your tree hugging elitists! If you're claustrophobic you could not be on the staff of any congressperson - all of their offices (even the offices of long-time powerful members) are tiny. Not sure if any of the banking plans will work, but I will give Ben Bernanke and Timothy Geithner credit for having the patience of Job. At the congressional hearing I watched, every single congressperson asked them the same exact question about AIG bonuses - even though they gave the same answer everytime - and neither one of them ever snapped at any of the congress members - they would make great parents of toddlers.
Very interesting